Click here to Pay Online
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Contact: Esther Marshall (608) 583-0088 for any billing issues (setting up or closing an account, or any billing questions).
Utilities are billed quarterly
Water Rates
Water Base Charge per quarter
5/8 & 3/4 Meter-----------$18.00
1" Meter-------------------$24.00
2" Meter-------------------$48.00
Stand by charge-----------$10.00
Additional Meter Charge----$9.00
Water Usage per thousand gallons
Less than 50,000 gallons---------$ 3.03
50,000 or more gallons-----------$ 2.25
Sewer Rates
Sewer Base Rate
1 Unit--------------------------$44.00
3 or more units per building---$35.00
Sewer Usage per thousand Gallons
All Usage-----------------------$ 2.70
Garbage Collection Rates
Garbage Collection per quarter----$49.50 (effective 01/01/2025)
Hydrant Maintenance Fee
Hydrant Fee per quarter--------$29.85
Hookup Charges
Water Hookup----------$355.00
Sewer Hookup----------$370.00