Mission statement: Formed in 2019, the Lone Rock Economic Development Committee is a group of community volunteers, made up of citizens, community leaders and business owners who focus on coming together to discuss ideas and make recommendations about how to make Lone Rock become a better place to live, visit and work.
Lone Rock Comprehensive Plan 2021-2031
To see our last meeting agenda and meeting notes, visit: https://villageoflonerock-wi.gov/agendas-minutes/ and select the Category of "Economic Development".
Next Meeting (Q2): Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6 PM at the Lone Rock Village Office
Lone Rock residents and business owners are encouraged to attend.
TIF-TID District Update (3/29/24):
•Application is still in progress and is expected to be approved by the DOR by end of April, 2024
•Joint Review Board will oversee the TID’s progress over the years. Board consists of 4 members: Dan Quinn, Chair (President, Lone Rock), Shawna Marquardt (MATC), Jeffrey Even (Richland County), Kathy Jennings (River Valley School District) and Brad Seymour (Lone Rock, citizen-at-large)
•Driftless Realty, designated realtor
•Approved project plan, March 12 board meeting
•Boundary map also approved
TID/TIF Next Meeting: April 4, 1 PM at the Lone Rock Village Office.
Mary Litviak, Committee Chair, VLR Trustee
Pat Christianson, Resident
Sandy Creasey, Resident, Vice-President, Lone Rock American Legion Auxiliary #383
Lisa Evans, Resident, local developer
Christa Quinn, VLR Staff, Lone Rock EMS
Dan Quinn, Lone Rock Village President, Captain, Lone Rock Fire Department
Brad Seymour, Lone Rock Fire Dept. and citizen-at-large on Lone Rock (TID) Joint Review Board
Dan McGuire, Richland County Board
Community Partners
TID Application: Misty Molzof, TIF/TID Application Manager: Southwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission – https://www.swwrpc.org/
Troy Maggied, Southwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission – https://www.swwrpc.org/
Stef Morrill, River Valley Commons – https://www.rivervalleycommons.org/
Richland County Economic Development - https://www.co.richland.wi.us/economicDevelopment.shtml
River Valley Housing Coaltion - https://www.rvhousing.org/
Who can join the committee?
Lone Rock residents, civic leaders, partnering organizations and business owners who are interested in taking part in talking about ideas and new opportunities for growth in Lone Rock are encouraged to attend. This group is also open to venues for local meetings and learning opportunities on various topics.
Some of our accomplishments:
Since 2019, this group has helped move some big things in our community:
- In 2021, with support of the village board, we partnered with the Richland County Economic Development Agency to win a Federal grant to purchase, then clear, the center lot in town and convert it to a public park area. The park features a sidewalk that runs to the old high school building, commemorating all the students spanning over 100 years who walked on it to go to and from school. Additional parking has also been placed across from the community center.
- In 2022, the board approved the Lone Rock Alumni Committee to erect an archway “memorial” that will be placed over the new sidewalk, just East of the community center building.
- Over a year in the making, the committee sponsored the renewal of the Lone Rock Comprehensive Plan (scroll down and find Lone Rock under Richland County.) It was formed with the incredible help of the staff at the Southwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Data was collected with the feedback that was provided by residents during interviews and meetings in 2020 and 2021. The committee continues to work to provide vision of meeting the goals in this plan, and will work subsequently with village leadership to accomplish those goals.
- We have the privilege of working with local people and organizations who we partner with us to further expand our reach to build relationships and also help others back. One of those organizations is the River Valley Commons. The RVC has also worked hard to partner with Lone Rock to stay in touch with community initiatives, exchange ideas, and also provided an enormous amount of support during the Lone Rock 4th of July Celebration.
- Feedback from this committee was plentiful in providing the support for a renewed Lone Rock Village website. In 2022, the village board approved the redesign of the website which is now featured here and includes an economic development page that links visitors to information about our local businesses, village land for sale and regular topics of discussion and projects.
- Approved for TIF-TID District funding to expand our development of new homes and businesses.
To view committee documentation, visit the Agendas & Minutes page.
If you are a Lone Rock business and want to post your information here, please email Mary Litviak at [email protected].